Written by Performance Horse Nutrition
Soybean Hulls have been utilized as an ingredient in livestock feeds for many years. In recent years, soybean hulls have become popular as a fiber source in equine diets.
The National Research Council (NRC, 1989) estimated the energy content of soybean hulls at approximately the same value as medium quality grass hay. However, equine nutritionists speculated the value of soybean hulls is far greater than originally predicted. In a recent study conducted at the University of Florida, soybean hulls were tested as an energy source for young, growing horses. They concluded that when fed along with medium quality grass hay, soybean hulls have an energy value approximately equal to that of oats. This energy value for soybean hulls is much higher than originally predicted by the National Research Council. Performance Horse Nutrition, LLC continues to utilize both soybean hulls and sugar beet pulp in horse feed formulas intended to provide safe forms of energy. You will find this ingredient in many performance horse feeds.
Soybean Hulls as an Energy Source for Weanling Horses. The Professional Animal Scientist (2002) 18:169- 175.